Periodontology is the speciality that deals with investing and supporting structures of the teeth and the diseases affecting them. It represents one of the foundations of science for clinical dentistry.

G.Pulla Reddy Dental College established the Department of Periodontology in 2008 and started the postgraduate program in 2013. The department has state of the art equipment like ZOLAR Diode LASER-10 watt & AMD PICASSO LITE- 2.5 WATT Laser, PIEZOSURGERY unit (MARRIOTIE), Electrocautery, NSK

Implant Physiodispenser with three different surgical systems and PENGUIN RFA KIT to measure implant stability.

Clinical skills training in non-surgical and preventive periodontal procedures and opportunities to learn and master a variety of periodontal surgical and implant procedures has been at the core of the department’s objectives. Our clinical arena includes treatment of bleeding gums and gingival enlargements, alveolar bone loss, root exposures and replacement of lost tooth by dental implants. We also educate and motivate patients regarding oral hygiene and its importance for overall general health.

The mission of the department is to train and familiarize both the undergraduate and postgraduate students with the latest techniques to diagnose and treat periodontal diseases and to provide patients quality dental care for a wide range of gum diseases at an affordable price.


Jonathan Jane
Dr. Ramesh A
HOD & Professor
Arthur Bertrand
Dr. K. Krishna Mohan Reddy
Kelly Lewis
Dr. J. Sudhakar
Kelly Lewis
Dr. B.Hareesh Reddy
Kelly Lewis
Dr. N. Rajesh
Kelly Lewis
Dr. B. Tanuja
Sr. Lecturer